Larry Melton

Larry Melton


“Fun Fact: I’m an Arizona native and I absolutely
love our summers. Also, unconfirmed but I may be the
last person to be named “Larry” in the United States.”

Leslie Melton

Leslie Melton


“I was picked to be on the Ellen Show when I
was pregnant and Larry sent me a video they played
while he was deployed!”

Our Staffs

Alisha Nielsen

Alisha Nielsen

General Manager

“I once took a stuffed bunny on an adventure around
the hotel, and created a story that was sent to a little boy
as he waited for his bunnies safe arrival home. This ended up
being featured on Good Morning America!”

Tyanna Cortez

Tyanna Cortez

Client Service Representative

“”On the weekends, I’m always in the Montana
mountains exploring new trails.””

Derek Hopkins

Derek Hopkins

Plumbing technician

“Fun fact about me, I wanted to be a rodeo clown
as a kid for my adult profession.”

Tanner Close

Tanner Close

Plumbing technician

” Fun fact: I have a lot of hobbies I like to do
like skateboarding, golfing, and fishing.”

Stephen Kaneko

Stephen Kaneko

Plumbing technician

” I love to do volunteer work. Most recently I volunteered
for CHAMP (cancer hope and awareness month for pediatrics)”

Our Team

Team Picture